Lightning Autofill Practice Form

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This is a sample web form to help you practice creating autofill rules for all the different types of form fields that Lightning Autofill supports. Please consult the online docs or our AI helpdesk chatbot if you need help.

Form Field HTML Code Sample Rule
Full name:
<input type="text" name="fullname" autocomplete="off"> Type = Text  Name = "fullname"  Value = Test User
First name:
<input name="firstname"> Type = Text  Name = "firstname"  Value = Test
Last name:
<input name="lastname"> Type = Text  Name = "lastname"  Value = User
<input type="email" name="email"> Type = Text  Name = "email"  Value =
<input type="text" id="uname" name="username"> Type = Text  Name = "username"  Value = testuser
<input type="text" id="user" title="Enter your ID"> Type = Text  Name = "user"  Value = test_user
<input type="text" id="userID"> Type = Text  Name = "userID"  Value = test.user
<input type="text" name="ctl00_Content_bank"> Type = Text  Name = "ctl00_Content_bank"  Value = 0123456789
Account #:
<input type="number" name="ctl00_Content_bank_nr" min="0"> Type = Text  Name = "ctl00_Content_bank_nr"  Value = 9876543210
<input type="text" name="passengers[0].passengerName"> Type = Text  Name = "passengers[0].passengerName"  Value = T. User
Color picker:
<input id="colorpicker" type="color"> Type = Text  Name = "colorpicker"  Value = #0080c0
<input id="calendar" type="date"> Type = Text  Name = "calendar"  Value = 1984-04-01
Ranged slider:
<input id="slider" type="range" min="0" max="5" step="0.5"> Type = Text  Name = "slider"  Value = 4.5
<input type="search" name="q" placeholder="Search for something"> Type = Text  Name = "q"  Value = autofill
<input id="clock" type="time"> Type = Text  Name = "clock"  Value = 12:00
Editable div:
Edit something here...
<div id="editDiv" contenteditable="true"></div> Type = Text  Name = "editDiv"  Value = This field was autofilled!
Current value: ""
<input type="hidden" id="secret"> Type = Text  Name = "secret"  Value = shhh
Click button to insert <input name="newly-added"> Type = Text  Name = "newly-added"  Value = TEST
<input type="password" name="pass"> Type = Password  Name = "pass"  Value = blahblahblah
<input type="password" name="pass2"> Type = Password  Name = "pass2"  Value = blahblahblah
<select name="month">...</select>
<select name="day">...</select>
<select name="year">...</select>
Type = Select  Name = "month"  Value = "apr" or 3
Type = Select  Name = "year"  Value = "1984" or 84
<select name="qty">...</select>
<select name="stars">...</select>
Type = Select  Name = "qty"  Value = "5 apples" or 2
Type = Select  Name = "stars"  Value = "*****" or 5
<select id="multi" multiple>...</select> Type = Select  Name = "multi"  Value = "B"|"D" or 1|3
Bootstrap-select Type = Select  Name = "fruit"  Value = "Blueberry" or 3

<input type="checkbox" id="r" name="red" checked>
<input type="checkbox" id="g" name="green">
<input type="checkbox" id="b" name="blue" checked>
Type = Checkbox/Radio  Name = "green"  Value = 1
Type = Checkbox/Radio  Name = "blue"  Value = 0
<input type="radio" id="f" name="gender" value="Female">
<input type="radio" id="m" name="gender" value="Male">
Type = Checkbox/Radio  Name = "gender"  Value = 01
Type = Checkbox/Radio  Name = "Male"  Value = 1
<input type="button" name="test1" value="Test 1"> Type = JavaScript  Value = document.querySelector('input[name="test1"]').click();
<button type="button" name="test2">Test 2</button> Type = JavaScript  Value = document.querySelector('button[name="test2"]').click();
<input type="submit"> Type = JavaScript  Value = document.querySelector('input[type="submit"]').click();
<iframe src=""></iframe> Type = Text  Name = "message_name"  Value = Test User  Site =
Type = Text  Name = "message_email"  Value =  Site =
Type = Text  Name = "message_body"  Value = Hello, world.  Site =
<textarea name="desc" rows="2"></textarea> Type = Text  Name = "desc"  Value = This field was autofilled!
CKEditor 3 Type = Text  Name = "Rich text editor, ckeditor3"  Value = <p style="text-align: center;">This field was autofilled!</p>
CKEditor 4 Type = Text  Name = "Rich Text Editor, ckeditor4"  Value = <h1>This field was autofilled!</h1>
CKEditor 5 Type = Text  Name = "Rich Text Editor, main"  Value = <blockquote><p>This field was autofilled!</p></blockquote>
Editor.js default text (contentEditable).
Nothing found
Editor.js Type = Text  Name = /\bce-paragraph cdx-block\b/  Value = <b><i>This field was autofilled!</i></b>
NicEdit default text (contentEditable).
NicEdit Type = Text  Name = /\bnicEdit-main\b/  Value = <ul><li>This field was autofilled!<br></li></ul>

Quill default text (contentEditable).

Quill Type = Text  Name = /\bql-editor\b/  Value = <h2>This field was autofilled!</h2>
Summernote default text (contentEditable).
Summernote Type = Text  Name = /\bnote-editable\b/  Value = <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 0);">This field was autofilled!</span>
WYMeditor Type = Text  Name =  Value = <ol><li>This field was autofilled!<br></li></ol>

This text field can contain stylized text and graphics. To cycle through all formatting options, use the keyboard shortcut Shift + Escape to place focus on the toolbar and navigate between options with your arrow keys. To exit this text editor use the Escape key and continue tabbing.

Common formatting keyboard shortcuts:

  • Control Shift B sets text to bold
  • Control Shift I sets text to italic
  • Control Shift U underlines text
  • Control Shift L adds an HTML link

You have left the Rich Text Editor.

YUI 2 Rich Text Editor (not supported in Firefox) Type = Text  Name = "yui2rte_editor"  Value = <b>This field was autofilled!</b>
YUI 2 Rich Text Editor (not supported in Firefox) Type = Text  Name = "yui2rte-iframe_editor"  Value = <i>This field was autofilled!</i>
YUI 3 Rich Text Editor Type = Text  Name = [height="99%"]  Value = <u>This field was autofilled!</u>